Monday 13 February 2012

Reindeer pizza & crocheted beanies

This weekend I got into making crocheted beanies. A few years back making them was a really big hit and a lot of boys and girls (yes, boys, too!) who were into snowboarding made them, so they could have the kind of hats they wanted. The beanies I made are a bit more complicated than a simple striped crochet which you tend to see on snowboarding beanies (see eg. this Burton beanie or this one by Dana) but they still have the basic stripe motif in them, just a bit changed. They're also made of cotton wool which makes them good to wear when it is not so cold or under a helmet, as they give out moisture and cool the head. Maybe now that I got into this I will make some of wool, too, which will be warmer.

Here are the first two, going out as presents to members of my family:

size 60 cm, baggy fit
size 55 cm, slim fit


I also made some reindeer pizza this weekend! Noticed the other day when doing shopping that my grocery store sells frozen, thin-sliced reindeer meat. I've tried taking my food shopping towards a more nature and animal-friendly direction, trying to find not only organic fruit and vegetables but also organic beef and chicken. This is at times difficult, so I was happy about this, as the reindeer wonder freely in Lapland for most part of the year.

Yes, I know, giving up meat would be the best option but I find it SO hard to do... Eating only veggies, even soy/beans/other vegetarian foods high in protein just keep me hungry. :( But going there. Baby steps. :)

So, a fresh mozzarella - pepper - reindeer pizza going into the oven:

And coming out:

Within 15 minutes of taking this picture, the pizza was no more.

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